For nonprofits

This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) “La Philanthropie : Comprendre et Agir” (Philanthropy: Understand it and Act) is the first French-based course on philanthropy. This 4-weeks long training will provide you with basic knowledge of philanthropy in a French-speaking environment. This project is the result of a collaboration between Fondation de France and the Philosophic Chair of the ESSEC Business School. Whether you are simply curious about the subject, already a donor, involved in a philanthropic process, or a professional who accompanies or solicits philanthropists, this MOOC is for you!


Candid is an organization that collects data, conducts research, and publishes news on nonprofit organizations.

Priorities related to media development and journalism: Candid has no particular priority related to journalism. Through research, collaboration, and training, it connects different nonprofits, foundations, and individuals to the resources they need to do good, building on 88 years of dedicated experience.

Geographical priorities: Candid support the millions of people across the world who depend on different programs and services to make the world a better place.

Type of funding: The organisation provides no funding, but provides a set of resources and database to help you gain the knowledge you need to win funding from funders throughout the world.

Funding opportunities: Through research, Candid provides nonprofit data and resources to donors and several organizations, including academia.

Chronicle of Philanthropy

The Chronicle of Philanthropy propose insights and news to help to succeed in a rapidly changing world. The organisation provides nonprofit professionals, foundation executives, board members, and others with information and practical advice they need with :

The Chronicle is updating its coronavirus-related content daily, including disaster and financial planning for organizations. (Source: Gallagher Group)

The Communications Network

The Communication Network connects, gathers, and informs leaders from the most influential foundations, nonprofits, and social sector consultancies across the globe. The or

ComNet has an exceptionally helpful Comms Triage Kit for telling your story and communicating with your constituents and your donors. (Source: Gallagher Group)

M+R Consulting

M+R Consulting helps nonprofit organizations achieve their mission and goals by sharing best practices in both small and large nonprofit organizations in the health care and community service sectors.

  • Fundraising campaigns

  • Operations improvements & Strategy planning

  • Board and leader development

  • Feasibility studies & retreat planning

This consulting firm has a national reach with offices in Oakland, CA to NYC. M+R shares savvy strategies for media outreach and advocacy. (Source: Gallagher Group)

The organisation offers advice on various topics on its blog.

NonProfit AF

NonProfit AF promotes social justice by training leaders, strengthening community-led organizations and encouraging collaboration among diverse communities.

Vu-Le ("voo-lay") created Nonprofit AF to provide a no-nonsense (and humorous) take on where philanthropy should go from here. (Source: Gallagher Group)


The Nonprofit Alliance helps interpret the CARES Act provisions relevant to nonprofits, as does NonProfit Quarterly. (Source: Gallagher Group)

The CARES Act provisions is the largest financial aid package in U.S. history which provides $2.2 Trillion of aid to help among others, Nonprofit organizations meet the challenge of the coronavirus.

  • The Nonprofit Alliance helps ensure that nonprofit organizations continue to have the resources and influence they need to thrive. The organization seeks to promote, protect and strengthen the philanthropic sector in the best interests of donors and beneficiaries.

  • The NonProfit Quarterly uses a range of media channels to help advance critical conversations that can refine the policy and practice of nonprofits and social movements. In this work, it seeks to advance conversations in the sector, particularly, as is too often the case, when they are "stalled."

FAQs from New York Council of Nonprofits

New York Council of Nonprofits helps New York's nonprofit organizations build their capacity for growth and community impact and also represents the nonprofit sector in policy and advocacy by providing tools and support services.

The NYCN provides: News&Events, Advocacy guidance, Services and Ressources

Proposed services

  • legal services

  • community assessments & planning

  • financial management assistance

  • fundraising support

  • governance & board building

  • HR & personnel

  • insurances & employee benefits

  • mergers & collaborations

  • ORG development & strategic planning

NYCON offers a wide range of resources and guidance ranging from practical tips for managing remote work to policy. (Source: Gallagher Group)

Last updated