9. Common templates
Module nine of the GFMD MediaDev Fundraising Guide. Please note that access to the templates is for GFMD members only.
Last updated
Module nine of the GFMD MediaDev Fundraising Guide. Please note that access to the templates is for GFMD members only.
Last updated
This section looks at templates commonly used by donors and provides some insight into how they should be completed.
Generally speaking, most templates cover the same focus areas, are based on a similar structure and follow the same logic.
Rationale: the reasons why the project is needed
Target groups: who the target groups and final beneficiaries are; why they have been selected
Impact and outcomes: how the project will improve the situation of its target groups and beneficiaries
Activities: what will be done in order to bring about this change
Methodology and approach: why these activities have been chosen and how they will be implemented
Monitoring and evaluation: how you will measure the project’s progress towards its expected outcomes and targets
Sustainability: how you will ensure that the project continues to benefit its target groups after the end of grant funding
Risks and assumptions: what factors could prevent the project from achieving its goals and what conditions need to be in place for the project to remain viable
Timeline: when activities will be delivered and when key milestones will be met
Resourcing plan: who will deliver the activities and how their work/performance will be managed
For more detailed information about all of the above see the Application forms section of the Fundraising Lexicon that accompanies this guide:
Example templates and other further guidance featured in subsections of the Guide's modules can only be accessed by GFMD members and affiliate.
If you work for a GFMD member or affiliate, just click on the links to request access to the guides and templates.
If you have any issues accessing the guides and templates, please contact Fiona Nzingo, our Membership and Engagement Manager - fnzingo[at]gfmd.info - subject line "Resource Centre Password Access".
Please allow one working day for access to be granted.
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Email Fiona Nzingo, our Membership and Engagement Manager: fnzingo[at]gfmd.info
For advice on how to complete a logical framework (logframe) for media development and journalism support applications see our guidelines HERE.
If you work for a GFMD member or GFMD affiliate you can access our guide to completing a grant application for funding from the European Commission under the EIDHR programme and relevant templates below.
If you work for a GFMD member or GFMD affiliate you can access our guide to completing an application form for funding from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) below.
If you work for a GFMD member or GFMD affiliate you can access our guide to completing a proposal in response to a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) published by the US State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor and their Form of Application Submission below.