Resources for Lebanon

This page contains resources for Lebanese media. If you know of any resources that are not yet listed here, please feel free to reach out and share them with us.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

Reporters Without Borders (RSF), in partnership with the SKeyes Foundation, has launched a new "Regional Press Freedom Center" in Beirut, for the protection and support of journalists.

Journalists covering the conflict in Gaza, Lebanon, and the region can now rent protective gear and receive psychological support thanks to the initiative of the NGO in partnership with SKeyes.

As the conflict continues, RSF, in partnership with the SKeyes Foundation, has decided to mobilize to support journalists in the region covering the war in Gaza, as well as in Lebanon and neighbouring countries. Journalists can rent equipment for a minimal deposit and receive necessary support for safe reporting. This initiative was launched in response to the increasing dangers journalists face in conflict zones, with over 100 journalists killed in Gaza in recent months and several more injured or killed in Lebanon. RSF aims to ensure journalists receive proper training, insurance, and equipment to safely report on regional events.

How to apply: Journalists wishing to receive assistance from RSF's Regional Press Freedom Center can do so by contacting the following email address:

IJNet's Resources and Tips for Journalists Covering the Lebanon War

Amidst the ongoing war in Lebanon, which has resulted in significant casualties and displacements, journalists face numerous challenges while reporting under dangerous conditions. The International Journalists Network (IJNet) provides essential guidelines to support journalists navigating these difficult circumstances.

Key recommendations include:

  1. Preparing for Displacement: Journalists are advised to pack an essential backpack containing critical items such as ID documents, technical tools, personal protection gear, and medical supplies. This ensures they can continue reporting safely if forced to relocate.

  2. Safety During Gunfire and Air Strikes: Guidelines on how to protect oneself in case of shootings or air strikes, whether outdoors, in a vehicle, or indoors, are outlined. Immediate actions include hiding, crawling, and moving to safer locations depending on the situation.

  3. Password Management: Journalists should keep their passwords secure and accessible, either by storing them in a personal notebook or using reliable password management tools. This helps prevent data access issues, especially when using new devices.

  4. Physical and Mental Health: Maintaining both physical and psychological well-being is vital during displacement. The IJNet suggests accessing online first aid courses and mental health resources to help manage stress and trauma. Keeping hygiene a priority is also recommended to avoid illness.

  5. Fact-Checking: Journalists should have basic fact-checking skills to avoid spreading misinformation during crises. This is especially important as misinformation can affect the safety and decisions of affected populations.

  6. Leveraging Professional Networks: Professional relationships can be instrumental in providing support, shelter, or equipment during emergencies. Journalists should maintain communication with colleagues and use their networks for logistical and emotional support.

By following these guidelines, journalists can better prepare for the challenges of covering the Lebanon war while protecting their safety and mental health.

Last updated