Feedback & collaboration
We want to hear from you! We want to work with you to make this event better. (Last updated by Tom Law - Feb 8, 2021)
To GFMD members, associates and partners
Does this Guide meet your needs?
What have we missed?
Where do we need to provide more details and insights?
But most importantly...
What expertise and experiences could you contribute?
If you would like to
Contribute a case study or a template
Suggest a correction or addition
Volunteer to help us edit an existing section or create new content
And finally... please please please let us know if using the Guide has helped you secure funding!
To donors
This Guide is not just for those applying for media development and journalism support funding. It is for donors too.
Have we communicated what you are looking for in a funding application clearly?
Did we get anything wrong? If so, how can we correct it?
What have we missed?
Didn't find your organisation over the list of funders' profiles? Or do you have corrections or additions to the profile?
We want to hear from you! See contact information below.
Please get in touch
If you have any questions, would like more information, or want to help us improve The Guide, please contact Anne Marie Hammer, GFMD's Programmes and Project Manager, amhammer[at]
Last updated
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